Friday, December 16, 2011

I am so Honoured ... "The Liebster Blog Award"

I am so deeply honoured by Danielle @ Known to Read who had awarded me the Liebster Blog Award! I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for this award, and I am overly joyed seeing as I never knew about this award until just recently! hehe.

You are a fantabulous blogger and individual, and I know you will reach 200 + followers in no time! Everyone should go and check out her blog right now (like seriously go now and come back! lol) it is creative, fun and Danielle is such a fabulous reviewer, and blogger!

For those of you who don't know, Liebster in German means dearest! (I didn't know that, lol) So I guess, seeing from Danielle's post, I get to pick 5 blogs who I think deserve to win this award as well who have under 200 followers and are dear to my heart in the blogging world! hehe. 

In accepting the Liebster Blog Award, the 
recipient agrees too:

  1. Thank the blogger who gave them this award and link back to that person's blog.
  2. Copy and paste the award to their blog.
  3. Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award, commenting on their blogs to share the news
So without further adieu I would like to introduce you all to these fantastic blogs who I am awarding the Liebster Blog Award too:

Yaseena @ SweetUnrest


  1. Aww thanks Jackie =) I really appreciate this! And you gave it to Yaz too! So sweet =).

    You have definitely done so much with your blog in such a short time. You should be proud!

  2. Thanks so much Jackie! Very sweet of you. I love your blog by the way, like Chelsey said, it looks like you've put in a lot of work on it.

    Thanks again :)

  3. Thank you so much both of you!! You two totally deserve it, along with the other winner as well :) You're both so sweet!

  4. Thanks so much, that is so sweet. :)
    Thanks again.
